I Want Sister

While Qi Zhi'an was working on the green crystal bamboo, the staff sent up several buckets of water.

A cubic meter of water took several large buckets, and the water had to be boiled, so it took some time.

Together with the water and sugar, there was also a large water vat.

She didn't know where they found something so vintage, but she had to say, they were very good at it. To be able to handle so much stuff in half an hour was really something!

Qi Zhi'an continued to work on the green crystal bamboo, and the staff watched and stood by quietly, not daring to speak.

They all knew that the things here were handled by Qi Zhi'an single-handedly, and if he didn't give the word, no one would dare to touch a single blade of grass or plant.

They even had to be careful when they came in, for fear of stepping on the grass on the side of the road.