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The manager looked at Qiao Haoming with a dumbfounded face, confused as to when this matter was related to Xia Xibei.

Wasn't Xia Xibei a big star? If she showed up here, it would definitely cause a sensation.

However, she hadn't shown up!

Since she didn't come, how could she leave?

Looking at the manager's confusion, Qiao Haoming's heart thudded.

When Xia Xibei came in earlier, she knew the location, so she came directly here, without the help of the waiter.

When she left, she did not let anyone know.

He had assumed that since she dared to do such things, naturally she was not afraid of being found out by others!

Qiao Haoming found that he had thought wrong.

"Alright, you all remember what to say and what not to say. Right?" 

He gave a warning glance at the manager.

The manager nodded, "Of course, of course! We just came over to clean up today."