How to Divide the Property

"But you were there!" Xia Jun replied with a stiff neck. "You were there, so you will definitely be found!"

Looking at his fervent denial, Xia Xibei couldn't hold back a loud laugh.


She laughed and slapped her thighs, losing her usual elegant image, not at all like the beautiful actress on the screen.

"What are you laughing at?" 

Xia Jun stared at her with an ugly expression, breathing heavily.

Xia Xibei was still laughing, but did not answer him.

Xia Qingxun couldn't stand it anymore and explained, "Even if there was a picture of her, so what? If things blow up, she can still sue you!"

Xia Qingxun really did not understand when Xia Jun got so stupid.

He used to be fine, and although he didn't love them much, his IQ was still quite normal.

How did he become like this? Spouting nonsense and making a mess!

Couldn't he think about what was best for him?