Malevolent Mind

Looking at Master Lu's expression, Qiao Haoming's ominous premonition became even stronger.

"So what now? The drug should have no effect now, right?"

Qiao Haoming was hoping for a narrow escape.

Maybe there wouldn't be any problems after this? After all, they were almost all emptied out.

However, Master Lu shook her head, "There will be after-effects."

Qiao Haoming's heart thudded. 

"Effects? What after-effects?"

In fact, he knew what Master Lu meant. After all, he had already heard her say it before.

However, when it happened to him, he did not want to accept the consequences.

Master Lu looked at him helplessly with pity, and her words crushed any hope he had. 

"What I told you before will happen later."

Qiao Haoming's heart seemed to be hit by a hammer. He could not help but take a few steps backward, his face pale.

 "Then… Is there a way to solve it?"

To his despair, Master Lu shook her head, "No."