Don't Come Near Me

Qiao Weiyue was having fun with a beautiful woman when he came back and saw Qiao Haoming. 

He was stunned.

"You… What's wrong with you?"

Qiao Weiyue was dumbfounded. What was his son doing here?

Didn't he say he was going out? Why did he look hollowed out?

Seeing his father approach, Qiao Haoming's heart lurched and he immediately jumped up, moving a few steps away. 

"Don't come over!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Qiao Weiyue was even more confused. Why did his son look like he saw a ghost?

Qiao Haoming, however, was about to cry. When Qiao Weiyue came close just now, he felt an embarrassing feeling welling up in his body, and he wanted to pounce.

It was too scary! If he pounced on his dad, then it would really be the end!

Thinking about the after-effects that Master Lu had mentioned, he finally appreciated the terrifying effect of this drug!