What a Rotten Fate

What a rotten fate!

This was the first thought in the minds of several people.

At the sight of each other, both sides were full of shock.

This mall had several floors and hundreds of stores, so how could they meet so many times?

This was simply rotten luck!

Chang Qianzi's smile was already embarrassed, and her eyes couldn't help but dart back and forth between Liu Manhong and her opponent.

This was "destiny," right?

However, it was obvious that the other party was more reluctant to see them, the couple's faces as dark as dripping ink.

Chang Qianzi's mood was a bit conflicted.

With her character, she did not like to encounter such things. She was calm and did not like tit-for-tat. If there was any conflict, she would avoid it first.

However, during the shopping trip just now, Liu Manhong had already explained her relationship with Zou Zheng.

After listening to Liu Manhong's story, Chang Qianzi was touched.