Something Happened

When it was time to pay, Lu Xiaohang wanted to help pay but was refused by Liu Manhong.

"I have my own card." 

Liu Manhong handed over her own black gold card.

She originally wanted to buy the seven-figure jewelry set but would have little chance to wear it out, so she thought better of it. There was no point in just putting it in the safe.

Looking at the black gold card in Liu Manhong's hand, Lu Xiaohang raised his eyebrows. 

"An all free black gold card?"

"Yes," Liu Manhong nodded and suddenly laughed. "My daughter gave it to me."

"Your daughter?" Lu Xiaohang froze for a moment. "I didn't know you had a child."

"That doesn't seem to be something you should understand." Liu Manhong took back the black gold card, tapped it on Lu Xiaohang's face, and teased, "Little brother, it's better to go back to your little sister."