Terrifying Absorption Speed

Xia Xibei's expression was grave, but she still led Qiao Yanjue to circulate his energy and digest the spiritual power.

By the time the spirit stone fell from Qiao Yanjue's hand, it was already broken into pieces.

Even if Lu Xiaohang was here, he would definitely not recognize that this was the previous spirit stone.

This absorption speed was simply incredible!

Qiao Yanjue froze and looked at his smooth palm; there were no burn marks on it and no signs of being burned.

However, the spirit stone had crumbled.

What was this...

He looked at Xia Xibei with a dumbfounded expression, only to find that Xia Xibei's reaction was no better than his.

"Did you… Secretly cultivate before?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Secretly cultivate?" Qiao Yanjue blinked blankly, then shook his head. "No, just normal cultivation."