Cooking Is Difficult

Even with dry firewood and a lighter, it was hard to make a fire in the earthen stove, especially when some of the grass mixed in wasn't completely dry. It was a disaster!

Moreover, since they had never used an earthen stove, they simply did not know that they should leave a little space in the stove.

So, in a short time, thick smoke came out, choking everyone.

By the time they came out of the kitchen, they were covered in ashes and appeared a complete mess.

When they looked at each other, everyone was frustrated.

Their faces were covered in ash from the grass and firewood.

While their side was a mess, the other group was in a similar situation.

Soon after everyone ran outside, another group of members also came out, looking equally miserable.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"How are you guys doing with the fire?" the other team asked.