Great Gossip

It was around seven o'clock in the morning and time to start the next task. However, there was a situation outside.

From outside came the sound of everyone's chatter, with a little hidden excitement.

When Xia Xibei left her room, Shi Shuhang came over with a gossipy expression. 

"Do you know what's going on?"

"What?" Xia Xibei asked with appropriate interest.

"It's crazy!"

Shi Shuhang really wished he could gossip with her for three days and nights.

The corners of Xia Xibei's mouth twitched.

The more time she spent with Shi Shuhang, the clearer his true nature became.

This kid was a big gossip!

Xia Xibei was speechless! Why did she feel like she was surrounded by these kinds of people?!

They said that people were divided by groups, so how come there were always such gossipy people around her?

Could it be that she was also a gossiper?

Oh no! No way!