A Different Kind of Change

Since they had decided to meet Qiao Yanjue's parents, Xia Xibei had to start preparing gifts.

Qiao Yanjue's parents were so rich and had everything they wanted, and they had seen and eaten everything. It would not be meaningful to send them ordinary gifts.

Fortunately, Xia Xibei had her own ideas.

"Spiritual plants?" Qiao Yanjue froze for a moment. "Those very magical plants you mentioned before?"

"Right," Xia Xibei nodded. "I just happened to find a spirit plant in the village where the program was recorded. I think there should be more in other places."

If the multiple-leaf grass appeared there, there should be other spiritual plants in other places.

Moreover, she could feel that the spiritual energy there was very dense, denser than the spiritual energy in other places.