So Hot

Mo Bonan had not communicated with Tang Luo for a long time.

Every time he tried to talk to her about something, she said she was busy and ran away.

She was busy, but not so busy that she didn't have any time.

Such indifference confused him.

Mo Bonan had never been with a woman-a girl-like this before.

Whenever he got close, she avoided him.

He wanted to lay things out and talk about them, but she wouldn't even give him a chance and just hid away.

He was quite depressed.

Today, knowing that their company held a party, he was worried and came over to see.

Well, she was really drunk!

Thinking of this, Mo Bonan couldn't help but tap her on the head.

Being tapped on the head, Tang Luo turned her head to look at him blankly. 

"What are you doing?"

After drinking and being in a dizzy state, Tang Luo's voice was a bit slurred and different from her previous voice, with a girlish and delicate sound.