Who Did It

Once things were said and done, there was nothing to worry about.

However, Mo Bonan couldn't help but frown.

"Weren't you guys still out traveling? Why did you suddenly come back?"

Their rushed return confused them all.

Fortunately, all was well now.

Mo Bonan's question made Mo Bonan's parents look at each other, also feeling that what happened before was too strange.

"We suddenly received some photos, so we came back."

When they received these photos earlier, they were shocked!

Mo Bonan had actually forced Tang Luo to date him!

How could they not be scared that their own son suddenly became so scary and strange?! 

So, they flew back immediately.

They were supposed to be continuing with their travels, but because of this incident, they interrupted their trip.

"Photos?" Mo Bonan's eyes were slightly cold. "What photos?"