It's All Your Fault

Zhang Kaiwei owned a few companies. Although he was not a mogul, he was considered a rich boss.

However, the Zhang family was now in the hands of his elder brother, and the shares in his hands were not much, so he did not have enough liquidity.

This time, he had a hard time giving 10 million to Tang Luo.

Unexpectedly, immediately after this, his food company had a problem!

What went wrong was with the juice company, and this time it was suddenly revealed that the fruits the company used to make juice were rotten!

In order to cover up the taste, many additives were added to the product.

He didn't know which journalist did it, but the matter was exposed!

This matter exploded on the Internet.

If the matter was not exposed, it could still be covered up.

This time, however, the reporter put the secret photographs he took undercover directly online. With all the online coverage, things suddenly became even bigger.