All Are Familiar Faces

Qiao Yanjue suddenly remembered the question.

Ling Xiao seemed to be a wife from the Qi family!

The Qi family… 

"Oh, your Auntie Ling's husband is called Qi Zhi'an." 

Liu Yiqin didn't think too much and answered directly.

"Qi Zhi'an?!"

Xia Xibei couldn't help but exclaim, then exchanged an unexpected look with Qiao Yanjue.

"Right," Liu Yiqin nodded her head. "What? Have you heard of him?"

"I have…"

The corners of Xia Xibei's mouth twitched. She wanted to say that she actually knew him!

Qiao Yanjue also confirmed his suspicion, "So it's really him!"

"What? Have you met?"

Liu Yiqin was also curious.

She and Ling Xiao had first met outside, as they usually gathered outside and rarely came to their homes.

The two of them had been to each other's homes, but Qiao Yanjue was not at home when Ling Xiao came over, so the two of them had not met.