Something’s Wrong

Qi Xin finally figured out what she suspected at first.

That time, she felt very unhappy when she saw Xia Xibei, not because Xia Xibei looked better than herself, but because when she saw Xia Xibei, she felt a surge of discomfort.

She always felt that Xia Xibei and she were in conflict.

Moreover, she was suspicious of Xia Xibei's motives from the bottom of her heart.

Her mother was walking down the street when suddenly a car came out of nowhere, and somehow the bodyguard did not have time to react, but Xia Xibei rushed up?

Her reaction speed was too exaggerated!

If there was nothing fishy here, how could it happen like that?

So, there was a real problem here!

Xia Xibei was obviously looking for an excuse to get close to her mother!

Qi Xin's face darkened, her breathing became labored, and her chest heaved.

Everything was connected!