Madam Sent Me to Pick You Up

"Hello! Are you Miss Xia Xibei?"

Qi Hai walked up to Xia Xibei and Liu Yiqin, smiling like a gentleman.

"Yes," Xia Xibei nodded. "You are?"

"I'm here to pick you guys up."

Xia Xibei froze for a moment, "You were sent by Auntie Ling?"

Qi Hai smiled more gently, "Yes, Madam asked me to bring you guys in."

"Ling Xiao asked you to pick us up?" Liu Yiqin asked.

"Yes. Please come with me." 

Qi Hai looked at Liu Yiqin, reacted slightly, and didn't say anything more.


Liu Yiqin smiled and took Xia Xibei's hand, "Then let's follow him."

"This way please."

Qi Hai made an inviting gesture, then led them inside.

The further they went inside, the more alarmed Xia Xibei became.

The Qi family was really something else.

This was an old house with a lot of history, everywhere had a quaint historical atmosphere.