It's Not Me

After seeing the collapsed, badly-injured spirit plants, everyone immediately drew in a breath. 

"Who did this?!"

"Brother Yuan, what's going on?"

Qi Xin looked at Qi Xiangyuan with a face of shock and disbelief.

Qi Xiangyuan also saw the situation and showed a face of instant anger, "It's her! When I came back just now, she was already here! She even tried to escape!"

"It's not me!" Xia Xibei immediately shook her head. "I didn't do it!"

"It wasn't you?" Qi Xiangyuan hummed. "If not you, is it me?!"

"Say, who told you to come here?!" A person stood out and pointed at Xia Xibei, cursing angrily. "You are not a member of our Qi family, did you come here to steal something?!"

When these words came out, it was as if a switch had been flicked and everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

"Right! You were definitely trying to steal something!"