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The two brothers, Qi Zhiqiang and Qi Zhi'an, looked somewhat similar, but their personalities were very different.

Qi Zhi'an was more stable, as he had one wife, Ling Xiao, and never fooled around outside.

Qi Zhiqiang was a different story.

He has had many girlfriends since he was a teenager.

Even after he got married, he was not able to stop his wandering.

With his fooling around, it was possible that he had a child out of wedlock.

After all these years, no one had come to the door with a child.

Now, Xia Xibei suddenly emerged, and she could certainly be connected to him!

If it was before, the old man would be very angry.

The patriarch would want to teach him a lesson for making such a mess!

However, Xia Xibei's performance was too good. Her clear and beautiful lotus flower prevented him from scolding Qi Zhiqiang. He only wanted to keep Xia Xibei in the family.