Unexpected Luck

After sending Xia Xibei away, Zhuang Xiao'ai stood still for a while.

When the others finally woke her up with envy and jealousy, she almost couldn't stop herself from jumping!

What an incredible day!

She didn't even expect to meet Xia Xibei here.

What she had least expected was that Xia Xibei would offer her a job! 

The faces around her were full of envy. 

"How lucky you are! It was Cheng Yingni before, and now it's Xia Xibei. You keep working for famous people!"

Zhuang Xiao'ai quickly gave a nervous smile, "The fame is theirs, not mine. I'm nothing but an assistant running errands for them, it's not very different. I'm not a celebrity anyway!"

Everyone nodded at her words. 

Her looks were fine, but she couldn't sing nor act. There was no way she could be a celebrity!

Even if she took care of the famous celebrities, she still wouldn't be one of them at the end of the day!