Something Went Wrong

These words made Xia Xibei's heart skip a beat.

Who the hell was this man and, moreover, why did he have the staff delay her and not let her go?

While she was puzzled, her phone suddenly vibrated.

She was interviewing just now, so she had set her phone to vibrate.

Therefore, the commotion here did not attract the attention of others.

A staffer's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Miss Xia, where are you now? We have some problems here, can you please come back for a while?"

If it was before, Xia Xibei would have thought something had happened.

She whispered, "Sorry, I'm in the car now, and I'm going to the airport soon. Is there a problem? Is it troublesome?"

"Uh...." The staffer on the other end was helpless. "It's just..."

"I have something going on right now. If there are any questions or answers that are not clear, you can contact my agent to find a new time and we will talk."
