I’m Your Dad

Qi Zhiqiang's face was sullen as he looked at the young couple's clasped hands.

If not for the old man, he would have wanted to rush up and split them apart immediately!

Who was this kid? How dare he hold Xia Xibei's hand like this!

"He is my boyfriend," Xia Xibei raised their hands and said to everyone.


Everyone was surprised, except for Qi Zhi'an and Ling Xiao.

How old was Xia Xibei? How could she have a boyfriend already?

Moreover, she had even brought her boyfriend here?

"What boyfriend?!" Qi Zhiqiang looked upset. "How old are you?! Do you know anything about relationships? You better break up!"

He added, "After breaking up, I'll find a better man for you!"

When these words came out, both Xia Xibei and Qiao Yanjue's faces darkened.

What did he mean to find a better one?

If Qiao Yanjue hadn't known that the older man was in the Qi family, Qiao Yanjue might have started to show his anger.