To Teach You a Lesson

Xia Xibei looked over and saw it was a few youngsters, probably in their teens and twenties.

Young men like these, uneducated and dodgy, liked to think of themselves as the mafia. They liked to bully people.

It was a pity that they were bullying ordinary people.

The young men ambled over, "Yo, how come someone is one step ahead of us? You sure have offended a lot of people!"

These words upset Zhuang Xiao'ai even more.

When did they ever offend anyone?

Well, they had indeed offended some people.

However, they were hiding so far away. Why didn't those people let them go?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiao'ai wanted to fight these people to death.

The young man in the lead looked at the chaos on the ground and waved his hand at the people behind him. 

"We're all here, let's not waste time. Let's go!"

A few people behind him followed suit, "Yes!"

"What do you want?"

Zhuang Xiao'ai became anxious right away.