Fate Hasn't Arrived Yet

Xia Xibei quickly sent Zhuang Xiao'ai and her grandma away.

She had just taken a look and she could feel that the grandmother's heart had some problems, but it was not too serious.

Of course, to solve this problem, the money needed was quite a lot for the girl and her grandma.

That was why Zhuang Xiao'ai chose to drop out of school: to earn money.

Xia Xibei would not give them a sum of money, but she could make Zhuang Xiao'ai work to earn money.

If you gave someone too much money at once, you could make them ungrateful.

However, as long as Zhuang Xiao'ai worked hard, she would not treat her poorly.

Xia Xibei never treated her employees badly.

Money was just numbers to her now; she would not hoard it.

After sending Zhuang Xiao'ai away, she took out her phone and looked at the message on it.

It was a message from Qi Xiangyuan.