Can’t Get Rid of Him

Due to what Song Jiaren said about Han Qin, Xia Xibei simply did not have the heart to continue to stay in the Imperial Capital.

If not for the fact that there were no more flights to G City today, she might have already rushed back.

Han Qin actually wanted to make a move on Song Jiaren?!

He was insane!

Although Xia Xibei did not spend much time with Song Jiaren because of her work, Song Jiaren had always been her good friend.

When her good friend was targeted by someone like Han Qin, she almost died of anxiety!

Thankfully, although Han Qin was interested in Song Jiaren, he would not use force.

Of course, if he forced her, it would be easier to just call the police instead.

It was this kind of "tender trick" that made it hard to be defensive.

Xia Xibei couldn't help but be glad that the scum, Yang Xuan, had used the trick of "heroic rescue" before, which had made Song Jiaren more critical.