You Hurt Me

Looking at Qi Xin's relieved look, Xia Xibei couldn't help but laugh in her heart.

She deserved to suffer!

Xia Xibei really did not want to do anything unethical to the bone lotus. After all, the bone lotus was not common.

How could she waste such a rare treasure?

Even if she wanted to deal with Qi Xin, she didn't need to do it with this kind of stuff.

Qi Xin was not worth wasting her spiritual plant!

However, Xia Xibei knew what Qi Xin's reaction would be after she said those words.

As expected, Qi Xin was really scared and very determined not to use the bone lotus.

If Qi Xin had to use the usual treatment, it would have taken a week or two to heal.

If she used the bone lotus, she would be able to move as usual in two or three days at most.

Since Qi Xin was so worried, let her take her time!

Xia Xibei was also satisfied to make Qi Xin suffer for a while.