
Gu Yinglei's threat made Qiao Yanjue angry inside. However, he did not explode.

At times like this, he had to stay calmer than ever. Otherwise, he would lose even more.

"This incident is just a small lesson for you. If you still don't know any better..."

Gu Yinglei was not evasive.

The company's incident was indeed his doing. Moreover, he was not afraid of being known by Qiao Yanjue.

Even if they knew, they couldn't hurt him.

Qiao Yanjue's jawline tightened for a moment.

He knew that this matter had something to do with Gu Yinglei!

He just didn't expect that Gu Yinglei would be so frank.

Right! With the Gu family's strength, there was really no need to worry.

The most important thing was that this attack was so sudden.

Qiao Yanjue had found out before that important procedures of this research project were all destroyed, and all the important evidence had been destroyed.