A Mother's Love

When she saw Chang Qianzi's name, Xia Xibei had mixed feelings.

Ever since she knew her identity, she had a very complicated feeling towards Chang Qianzi.

She would not dare to tell the truth to Chang Qianzi before finding the woman's real daughter.

Although her medical skills were strong, she couldn't cure this "condition."

So, she could only hide these things in her heart.

After adjusting her mood, Xia Xibei went to Chang Qianzi's house.

After seeing Xia Xibei, Chang Qianzi showed a big smile.

"Come, mom has prepared a lot of delicious food for you today!"

Chang Qianzi pulled Xia Xibei to the dining table and lifted the cover. 

"Come, these are all your favorite foods!"

Looking at the table of dishes, Xia Xibei was touched and even more heartbroken.

She could feel a piece of Chang Qianzi's heart, but that was what made it even harder for her.

If it was Xia Jun, she wouldn't feel half as much.