New Material

The material that Gu Yinglei stole was the latest researched aerospace material with lower density and higher hardness… And overall better performance.

If this material could be successfully introduced, it would definitely bring very many benefits to the Qiao family.

At the same time, this material, if applied to construction, could bring even more benefits!

The Qiao Group spent a lot of effort and money on this material. 

When it was about to succeed, it was suddenly stolen by Gu Yinglei, and Qiao Yanjue was very angry.

After the anger, some strange ideas appeared in his mind.

In those inexplicable memories, there was a more special material, a material that was better and stronger than the one stolen by Gu Yinglei!

This kind of strange content made Qiao Yanjue very confused. He had not been exposed to these things when he was studying before, so how come they suddenly appeared in his mind?