Joint Venture

Long before, Xia Xibei had the idea to open a restaurant.

Although she could do disguises and walk freely everywhere, it would be good to have a hidden place.

After all, she was now a star and had many celebrity friends.

It would be easy for them to make headlines if they went out together.

So, every time they went out, they would choose places that were more secluded, but these places were not available everywhere.

So, Xia Xibei wanted to open one herself.

However, she couldn't find the right chef for a while.

Now, Zhuang Xiao'ai has appeared!

Zhuang Xiao'ai was not very old, but she was really good at cooking, better than many experienced chefs.

Moreover, her learning ability was also very good.

She had lived in the imperial capital and other places before, and hadn't been to G City yet.

She had only been in G City for a few days and had already learned quite a few classic dishes here.