Found the Person

After seeing Carl, Cecil was happy.

The two brothers usually seldom saw each other, but their relationship had always been good.

Cecil knew that Carl came to Hua this time to look for a suitable actor, and looking at his appearance, he should have already found one.

However, he still asked, "What about it? Have you found the right person?"

"Yes," Carl nodded his head.

If people were not familiar with them, they would not really be able to tell that they were brothers.

Carl was in his forties, always with a serious face.

Cecil was in his thirties and a little handsome, with a smile all the time like a playboy.

When you saw them, you couldn't really see the similarities, but it was because they were half-brothers.

Although they did not have the same father, their relationship had always been very good. After growing up, the two of them had their own careers and sometimes collaborated.

"What is she like?" Cecil asked.