Audition Opportunity

Watching Xia Xibei being surrounded by two dogs and still looking so affectionate and trusting, Cecil's eyes glowed.

Sure enough, she was his goddess, so beautiful!

She was also wearing ancient style clothes today, maybe a drama costume, so she looked even more fairy-like! Simply beautiful!

Cecil felt that he had more inspiration in his mind, and he couldn't wait to go back immediately and record them.

However, he did not want to go back right away, but walked up.


The two dogs were waiting for Xia Xibei's petting. When they suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice, they immediately got up from the ground and looked at Cecil warily.

They were more alert than a police dog, and looked ready to bite him.

Xia Xibei smiled and patted them, "Don't be anxious."

Patted by her, the two dogs withdrew their wary expression, their eyes became soft, and they began to rub on her again.