Found On the Street

Due to this incident, Xia Xibei received a lot of calls from people who were concerned.

Chang Qianzi, especially, was scared to death.

She originally thought that Xia Xibei was going to M to shoot a movie. How come she encountered this kind of thing?

It was clear from the video Xia Xibei was very calm at that time, and no problem occurred. However, as a mother, Chang Qianzi was scared when she thought about what could have happened.

There was a gun!

If Xia Xibei's actions were not fast enough, and she had closed the distance between her and the shooter, then it would be the end!

So, Chang Qianzi immediately called Xia Xibei, concerned about this matter.

In response, Xia Xibei, of course, did her best to dispel her worries.

It took ten minutes for her to get Chang Qianzi to stop worrying about her safety.

To avoid bringing up the matter again, Xia Xibei changed the subject to the restaurant.