Got Away

Ling Juan waved her hand, "All right, you don't have to worry about these things. Taking good care of this matter is the priority."

"Yes! I know! I will definitely handle it properly!" Bai Meixue nodded heavily.

"Okay, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Ling Juan got up and walked out.

Bai Meixue didn't stop her, but stayed in her position to think.

After waiting for a while, Ling Juan didn't come back.

Bai Meixue looked confused.

Then, she called Ling Juan.

However, the call did not go through and no one answered at all.

She called twice more, but no one answered.

Bai Meixue had a strange feeling.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Ling Juan still didn't come back.

Now she knew that the situation was not right!

Bai Meixue took the bottle out of her pocket, opened the lid, and the smell of the drug inside made her frown.