I'll Do It Myself

Ling Juan carefully coaxed her daughter, "Don't be anxious, I'm just guessing..."

"What do you mean by guessing?!" Qi Xin jumped to her feet. "This is already a problem!"

With Xia Xibei's brains, she must have found something wrong here.

If Xia Xibei revealed this matter, then what could be done?

Thinking of this, Qi Xin's hands and feet were cold.

If the matter was exposed, her life would be over.

No way! Absolutely not!

"I don't care! Hurry up and fix this!" Qi Xin said in an angry voice.

"You... Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Ling Juan whispered, without a bit of confidence.

"It's all your fault!" Qi Xin couldn't help but complain, "If you had done a proper job back then, it wouldn't have turned out like this now!"

Ling Juan could not help but laugh bitterly at these words.

The feeling of being blamed by her daughter was really too unbearable.

However, she also deserved it.