Going Together

"What's the hurry!" Ling Xiao rolled her eye at Qi Zhi'an, "This child just got off the plane, she must be very tired. Let her get some rest first!"

Qi Zhi'an didn't get angry and just grinned while being reprimanded by his wife.

"It's okay, I rested on the plane." Xia Xibei interrupted their conversation with a smile, "Besides, I want to find what I want quickly."

"Okay then, I'll take you there." 

Qi Zhi'an immediately perked up.

This was Xia Xibei's own opinion!

Ling Xiao cast Qi Zhi'an a wordless glance but didn't stop them. Qi Zhi'an couldn't wait any longer, so she couldn't stop them.

"I've already prepared a room for you, so you can go straight over and rest. Don't tire yourself out."

"I know," Xia Xibei nodded. "Thank you, Aunt Xiao."

Ling Xiao patted her hand, very affectionate.

Before taking Xia Xibei away, Qi Zhi'an glanced at Qi Xin, "Xinxin, are you coming along?"