Looks Like I'm Getting Old

 Xia Xibei stood by the side of the old man and looked at the people in a calm manner.

If it were anyone else, being approached by these people, they would have been shivering with fear.

However, she was very calm, not affected at all by the matter at hand.

After Gu Yinglei's incident, she knew that these two men's parents would not let things go so easily.

However, why should she be afraid?

Since she dared to do it, she was not afraid of their accusations.

"Elder Qi, how are you doing lately?" Father Gu greeted the old man first with a smile.

The others naturally followed suit and greeted him, acting slightly formal.

The old man looked at them with a cold expression. "Fine. I don't know what you want to achieve here today?"

The coldness in the old man's words made the few people stop glance at each other.

They knew that the old man must be very unhappy.