Not Scientific

After clearing everything up with Xia Xibei and ensuring that he was not dreaming but had awakened the memories of his past life, Qiao Yanjue was stunned.

What he experienced in his dream… Was not a dream, but real?

This was too absurd, right?

However, thinking back on these things again, he had to admit that it really wasn't a dream!

No one's dream could be so clear.

Generally speaking, it was easy to forget after dreaming.

Some people could remember things for a short period of time, but most memories were forgotten, and they couldn't remember how to think about it.

Now, when he thought back carefully, he could remember the development of those events.

So, it was really not a dream!

Moreover, in his past life, Xia Xibei was involved!

Xia Xibei was the elder sister, and he was the younger brother!