
Yang Mo did not know that Xia Xibei was, at this very moment, less than 500 meters from her.

Xia Xibei attached her spiritual power to this spider. However, she could not be far from where it was.

She could only maintain a maximum distance of 2000 meters.

So, when Yang Mo left earlier, she followed her out.

She stopped outside the lab building, and through the eyes of this spider, she could clearly see what the lab looked like.

Yang Mo put the spider on the table and left it alone.

After all, it was her own contracted spirit animal, so if it wasn't an accident like the previous one, there was no need to worry about it.

Moreover, usually, she would let this spider walk around and have enough activity.

This time was no exception, even if it had bitten her.

However, this kind of thing would not happen a second time.