Can't Be Prevented

Director Smith's face reddened.

That hater was mixed into his crew, and then moved on Xia Xibei.

Although it was not his intention, it was still connected to him. He did not manage his crew well.

So, he was a little ashamed.

He decided to go back and straighten out the crew a bit.

Who knew how it would turn out if this kind of thing happened again?

No one else had such a godly and powerful reaction as Xia Xibei.

"It's okay," Xia Xibei shook her head and reassured him, "If they want to do something to me, they can do it whenever they want."

This kind of thing was impossible to prevent.

After all, no one would have thought that there would be such a perverted existence in this world.

No one would have thought that someone would go on to hate someone they've never dealt with before and do so with such passion.

So, this was not something that they, ordinary people, could prevent.