Really Hurt

Xia Xibei arrived at Qi Xin's room.

In the room, Qi Xin was lying on the bed. Her face was pale.

Her forehead was still wrapped in a piece of gauze, and her face had quite a few scrapes, which didn't look too good.

Xia Xibei stopped a short distance away, then looked at her for a moment before walking over.

She reached out to take Qi Xin's pulse.

Qi Xin did not move.

After a while, Xia Xibei let go of Qi Xin's hand with confused eyes.

Qi Xin was indeed injured, and it was quite serious.

Of course, this serious injury was not an unfixable problem for the Qi family, it'd just take Qi Xin some time to recover.

This also made Xia Xibei doubt her previous guesses.

Could it be that Qi Xin had nothing to do with it?

Or did someone else do it?

Xia Xibei's eyes lowered, hiding the suspicion in her heart.

Then, she walked out.