Why Is She Here Too

"We're fine," Qi Zhi'an and Ling Xiao shook their heads in unison. 

"Your situation is more serious than ours. You should worry about yourself."

"Look after yourself. Why worry about us when you should protect yourself?"

Speaking of the situation, Ling Xiao still had palpitations in her heart.

Faced with Ling Xiao's rant, Qi Xin shook her head with a serious face, "At the time when it happened, I had no other thoughts in my mind. I just wanted to protect you guys."

These words moved the two people.

Who wouldn't be relieved to have a daughter who cared about them in this way?

Although this child was not very grown-up, this kind of heart was already enough for them to be proud and satisfied.

"Kid!" Ling Xiao nudged her uninjured area. "We are so much older than you. We should be protecting you!"

Thinking about what happened earlier, Ling Xiao still had a lingering fear.