It's A Gang

"When the car moved earlier, I heard him say that the brakes were broken. I subconsciously looked up at him. Then, I saw his eyes in the rearview mirror. How do I say this..."

Qi Zhi'an frowned and recalled, "His eyes were very red and wide, as if he was very scared."

"Scared?" Xia Xibei curled her mouth. "It's not fear. It's exhilaration, right?"

That made Qi Zhi'an raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

What did she mean by exhilaration?

"When I was filming in M before, wasn't I attacked?" Xia Xibei didn't hide what had happened before. "I saw then that person who attacked me. His eyes were also scary, and his eyes were red."

These words startled Qi Zhi'an, "What?"

"Moreover, I also found that both of them had the same marks on their necks."

"The same marks?" Qi Zhi'an was even more puzzled.

"Take a look," Xia Xibei handed over the printout of the photo.