College Entrance Exam

These words made Xia Xibei raise an eyebrow, "He's quite well now?"

"Yes!" Qi Xiangyuan nodded, "But he is now abroad to go to pick up foreign chicks. He's not free to hang out with me."

Did he go abroad to pick up girls?

Xia Xibei's eyes darkened.

Gu Yinglei not ruined?

How could he still have the energy to pick up girls?

"But wasn't he hospitalized before?"

Qi Xiangyuan did not know the things between Xia Xibei and Gu Yinglei, let alone that Gu Yinglei was almost ruined before.

Although the two were friends, Gu Yinglei could not disclose these matters.

"He was hospitalized but discharged." Qi Xiangyuan waved his hand, "Forget it, don't mention him, that bastard is all about girls and forgets his friends!"

"Oh," Xia Xibei smiled faintly.

"Okay, then you go ahead and study! I'll head out."

Qi Xiangyuan turned around and left.

Looking at his departing back, Xia Xibei's brow furrowed.