Getting Along Well

The next day, Xia Xibei returned to the set.

Director Smith and the rest of the cast were very happy and gave her a warm welcome.

Although she had only been away for a month, it seemed to them as if they hadn't seen each other for years.

Callas, in particular, missed Xia Xibei to death.

"Honey, you're finally back!" He opened his arms excitedly and gave her a hug, then asked, "Did you bring any hair growth potion?"

Callas' words made Xia Xibei's mouth twitch, and she couldn't help but look at his hair. 

"Didn't you grow this out already?"

If you compared the picture from a few months ago to now, Callas' change was absolutely amazing.

A few months ago, Callas' hairline was in danger, as if it was going to run wildly upwards in the next second, never to return.

He could only comb his bangs downward to block his hairline.

Now, he proudly combed his bangs upward to reveal his full forehead.