Future Father-in-Law

These words made Xia Xibei's expression stiffen, thinking that she had misheard.

What he should have said was, "You're a very good actress," right? 

What did he mean she better not be a star?

Who was he? Who gave him the right to tell her what to do?

He clearly praised her at the beginning, but then he told her not to be a star.

Was this person crazy or sick?

Xia Xibei stood up to keep herself from looking vulnerable. 

"Who are you?"

He was the same age as Qi Zhi'an, but with arrogance and bravado that Qi Zhi'an did not have.

Both of them had the same calmness that came with being in a high position, one that made people submissive.

However, his arrogance was too strong, as if everyone else in the world was only worthy of serving him.

This kind of arrogance made Xia Xibei very unhappy.

"I am your future father-in-law."