Not a Big Deal

Xia Xibei had just returned, but to Qi Zhi'an, she was his own daughter after all.

He hadn't given Xia Xibei much benefit and care before, but he wouldn't have the nerve to let her marry into the Wang family!

Besides, Xia Xibei already had a boyfriend.

Although Qiao Yanjue's family may not be as well off as Wang Tianze's, he was still a giant among men!

Qi Zhi'an was not an old-fashioned parent, much less one who would interfere with his children's relationships.

Besides, they had not had many dealings with the Wang family over the years, and he was not sure about Wang Tianze's situation, so how could he dare to let his daughter marry him?

Even if the Wang family's development were smoother than the Qi family, the Qi family would not be afraid of them.

In this situation, where would he make such a foolish decision?