Jumping Down

Looking at such a high place, Qiao Yanjue finally understood that the other party was prepared.

Moreover, it was likely to have something to do with Mr. Brown!

After all, this was Mr. Brown's territory.

Could it be that Mr. Brown wanted him as a son-in-law?

Even if that were the case, it would not be necessary to use such a method!

No questions, no discussion, just like this?

Qiao Yanjue was overwhelmed with thoughts, but the most important thing now was to get out of there first.

He looked at the height of the place and then looked around.

There was no place around for him to approach.

The windowsills nearby were at least five meters away from here.

He could not jump over.

So, he could only go down.

How could he go down at such a height?

Qiao Yanjue's ears twitched and suddenly heard voices from outside approaching.

No, people were coming!

It was a group of people.