Wang Tianze's Difference

Back when Yang Mo first met Wang Tianze, she was trying to hook up with him.

After all, Wang Tianze's conditions were too good. If she could be with him, she wouldn't need to worry about the Yang family at all.

To her surprise, Wang Tianze was not half interested in her.

When he was seduced by her, Wang Tianze was not moved at all.

Afterward, Yang Mo realized that Wang Tianze could not be interested in her because he was gay!

When she found out about this, Yang Mo was dumbfounded!

She had no contact with these things in the Land of Fantasy, nor did she know that such people and feelings existed in this world.

Wang Tianze was so brilliant and so good, but he liked the same sex?

What a pity!

However, after knowing Wang Tianze's secret, she quickly changed her thoughts.

She was not short of men and would not choose such a man at all.

So what if he was good-looking? It was not like he was hers!