I Did It By Myself

The professor's hand began to tremble, and he could not speak.

The president was in a hurry. He got close to the screen, and after looking at the diagram clearly, he also drew in a breath.

Although the president was not in the medical department, he had a little bit of understanding of the situation.

Although he did not know how to do the experiment or get the results, he still knew how to see the results.

The cell images on the screen were very clear, and there was a comparison of the previous situation, so the changes in those cells that represented abnormalities were very obvious.

Before taking the drug, one could see that this mouse had many cancer cells in its body.

However, after taking the medicine, the cancer cells were reduced by a lot after only half an hour.

Oh no, it wasn't a reduction. It was a change!

The previously cancerous cells had been transformed back into normal cells at this moment!